Welcome Millionaire Blueprint Readers!

Thanks for stopping by. Call me crazy but I’m going to assume that if you made it this far you enjoyed my article. I’ll be writing a regular column for Millionaire Blueprints Teen so be sure to look out for it.

I also write frequently right here on my blog. Anything business and life is fair game. I know. That’s like saying the problem with infinity is that there’s too much of it.

But most of my articles deal with business in some way, shape or form but I don’t like to be restricted.

My job is all about your most favorite person in the world: YOU!

My duties include but are not limited to: making you think, inspiring you, entertaining you, motivating you and maybe, just maybe, teaching you a thing or two.

I can assure you of several things. I don’t know all of the answers but I can help you ask the right questions. You have a major advantage over many people. Your thirst for knowledge will help you tremendously. You have a long leg up on most people.

If you’re already craving more GuruGilbert and can’t wait until my next article fret no more.

On the right hand side of this blog there is a link entitled ‘favorites’. Grab a comfy seat, some good nosh and have yourself a party. And if you don’t feel like moving I can even hand deliver each of my posts right into your inbox.

I love hearing from my readers so don’t be shy.

2 thoughts on “Welcome Millionaire Blueprint Readers!”

  1. Adam,

    I just reread your column for the 3rd time. You are very inspiring. I love your blog and what you write about.

    Are you ever in the New Jersey area because I’d love to meet and discuss some ideas I have.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. Mike,

    It’s great to hear from you. I’m not usually in the NJ area but I live in NYC.

    I love meeting passionate entrepreneurs who want to make it happen.

    Why don’t you come in to the city one night and we’ll grab a bite to eat. My treat.

    Email me.


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