Jerry Seinfeld and Stand Up for A Cure

What’s the deal with grape nuts? I mean, there are no grapes and there are no nuts? We all know Jerry Seinfeld as an observational comedic genius and, of course, for his show. I was fortunate enough to see him last Thursday at the Hammerstein Ballroom for the Stand Up For A Cure event.

It was great to get to see one of my favorite comedians knowing that the ticket price was going to something very important like cancer research.

It’s amazing how quickly the tickets sold out. This guy has become a millionaire several hundred times over for inventing a niche and becoming the best in the world at it. He is the one that brought observational comedy to the masses.

I’m not sure if Jerry studied other comedians but I’m going to guess he knew (whether it was intuitive or not) that if he wanted to stand out he would have to put a new twist on comedy. He didn’t want to just be another comedian.

What’s the deal with New Mexico?

I mean, it’s not new and it’s not Mexico???

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