The Power of an Idea

My friends all know that I’ve celebrated Chanimas since I was an infant. It’s kind of funny since I am 100% Jewish, however, I don’t know of any other way. My mom always thought it would be fun for my sister and I to celebrate Chanimas because she believes it’s the most magical holiday of all.

And so do I.

I was pretty fortunate growing up because I had the best of both worlds. I’d get 8 little presents for each night of Channukah and then all of my big presents on Christmas (or Chanimas) morning.

As I got a little older the small presents got smaller and smaller until finally I told my mom that she didn’t need to wrap things like deodorant and q-tips for us anymore. So, all of the gift giving was to be done on Chanimas morning.

Chanimas taught me the joy of giving at a very early age. To say that my family and I go crazy for the holidays is a huge understatement.

It also unintentionally taught me the power of an idea. I really believed in Santa for a long time and everything that came along with it.

Every year, my mom would read us The Night Before Christmas and my sister would sleep in my room. We’d also leave cookies out for Santa and some milk. Some how, they were always half eaten with a note left behind.

I was never able to fall asleep on Christmas Eve either. I would just lay in bed all night wide awake looking out the window so anxious for it to be morning already. And by morning, I mean 5:15 A.M. – 45 minutes later than my mom usually woke up for work. 5:15 was the cut off time because it allowed her to sleep an extra 45 minutes.

But the power of the idea of Santa always got to me and my sister. There were numerous times I could have sworn I saw Santa flying by my room. And my sister too! The excitement that would ensue was insane.

There were also times I could have sworn I heard Santa walking on the roof. So much so that my sister and I pretended we were sleeping in case he came into my room. I remember vividly laying in my bed holding my eyes shut and pretending I was sleeping.

That’s the power of an idea at work. And it’ll be at work for millions of kids tonight as well.

Now that I’m older things are a bit different, but pretty soon (I’m hoping!) we’ll be passing on the tradition of Chanimas to my niece or nephew and one day my little guys and one day my little, little guys all because of an idea my mom had.

Happy Holidays to all…and to all a good night!

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