What came first the chicken or the egg?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the chicken or the egg debate. Well sort of.

It seems as though we all have our own chicken or the egg debate. Whether it’s with your fitness goals, business goals, career goals or anything else that you’re pursuing.

What came first the results or the effort?

It seems as though we’re all obsessed with results. We work our tails off only for results. We make healthy choices only for results. We run an extra 5 minutes only for results. We make a sacrifice worth making only for results. We stay late at work only for results.

But when the results don’t happen when we want them to occur, the first thing we want to change is the amount of effort we put forth.

It’s interesting. However, the amount of effort you put forth absolutely has a direct impact on the results you’ll get.

And yet when we see results we become even more motivated and are willing to put forth more effort!

It seems as though results can either make or break the effort dial. See results and you’ll turn up the dial. Don’t see results when you want to and you’ll turn it down.

Here is what I can assure you of:

When it comes to your health and fitness goals, your body never lies. You can think you’re fooling yourself. But in the end your body always tells the truth.

Whether it’s in the first 25 seconds of the game or the last 25 seconds every basket counts towards the final score. Individually each basket may not seem like it matters much but collectively they matter immensely!

The amount of effort you put forth really does matter. Whether it’s running for an extra 5 minutes, working an hour longer on your dream, or sending that extra email it all counts!

Results will happen. Your body has no choice but to work its magic when you’re eating right and exercising consistently! Want results quicker? Turn up the effort dial.

Is your business slowing down a bit? Turn up the effort dial!

Is your career not progressing as quickly as you want it to? Turn up the effort dial!

There are a lot of things we can’t control. Our peers, our genetics, and our economic environment to name a few.

But the one thing we can all control is the amount of effort we put forth when it comes to pursuing things worth pursuing!

And usually when we need the most amount of effort we wind up putting forth the least amount of effort. It’s very easy to get discouraged when we don’t see results when we expect to. But if you turn up the effort dial results will happen!

Stop playing the chicken or the egg game!

Instead start playing the effort one.

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