The Two Greatest Days of My Life So Far…

I started searching for a web design and development company in June. I felt it was (and has been) time to redo my website and make it look like the company it is thankfully becoming. My number one rule in business is to only work with people who are very passionate about what they do.

I want to work with the best. And of course, the best are very passionate. When you are the best, you are also able to command a premium for your services. And I have no problem paying a premium for tremendous work.

So, I began my quest.

In mid-June I thought I had met my guys: Two brilliant kids that go to NYU. One was an amazing designer and the other was an even better programmer. They both oozed passion.  They gave the most perfect response to every question I asked. And they asked me questions about my vision, strategy, etc.

At the end of our three hour meeting we shook hands and I agreed to pay the premium they wanted. That same night, I received an email from them basically stating that they didn’t want any money. They wanted equity in MBT. They told me they’ve never met anyone with so much passion, energy, enthusiasm, drive, belief, conviction, determination and that they fully believed I could and would make this the company I spoke of.

One of them wound up getting an offer he couldn’t refuse and moved to London.

I met with three other great firms this past summer and early fall that I was seriously considering. The same thing happened with these firms! They said it was something about the way I spoke and how my eyes lit up. I was amazed at what was going on. I was just being me. In the end, I just didn’t think it was a good match.

I just got off the phone after a one hour conversation with what could be a nice win for MBT if it pans out the way I hope it does. Again, the same type of awesome feedback. “I have no doubt in my mind that you will take your company to where you want it go. You convinced me within the first 30 seconds, Adam. I truly believe in you and what you do, etc., etc., etc…”

I’m trying to figure out what is going on and I think I figured it out.

There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why.

I live for helping people reach their fitness goals, and I live to help and inspire people. The day I came up with the idea for MBT is the day I discovered why I was born.


I’ve never been one of those, “I can sell ice to an eskimo” type of people. In high school, I briefly sold Cutco knives. I was awful! I quickly realized, I have to believe in what I’m offering 100%, otherwise, I’m terrible. However, if I believe in what I offer, the sky is the limit. My conviction (and confidence) in MBT is a direct result of how many people we’ve helped. I sincerely believe MBT is the best program out there for anyone wanting to get (and stay) in amazing shape. And it’s not just because I believe or say it is. It’s based on the incredible results we’ve been able to get for our clients so far. It’s based on what our clients have tried before MBT, and what they’re telling us. Getting to do what I do every day is the real reward.

$300 bounty if you help me find the perfect hires

MyBodyTutor is growing and we’re getting ready to take the company to the next level.

For the right person, this might be the perfect part time job. No meetings, no hassles, and people who respect you and your work. Read on for details.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Body Tutor (nutritionist/personal trainer)

You’re an expert in the fields of nutrition and/or exercise. You will handle your own clients and help them reach their health and fitness goals by using our revolutionary Daily Feedback system all from the comfort of your own home.

Who Are You (which is even more important than what you know)

If you’re looking for a part time job, look elsewhere.

We want someone who is passionate about the work, about pushing the envelope and most importantly helping our clients reach their goals and potential.

We want people who are hungry, loyal and dedicated to our vision and goal.

We are looking for people who care about making a difference in the World and want to be a part of something very special. You also must be able to commit 2 hours every morning.

How Much Will You Make

If you’re in this solely for the money – go elsewhere.

You will earn between $1000 – $2000 per month and also receive great options packages.

What if you don’t have internet access during the day

Every tutor, whether you have internet access or not, will get a Blackberry that we pay for…call it a perk, if you will.

The bounty and other details

After 3 months of successful work, we’ll pay the person who referred the hire $300 in cash. If you refer yourself, we’ll pay you.

If you know the perfect person, send them over and have them email me at adam at mybodytutor dotter com, please. Thanks!

Oh man, this never, ever, gets old…(and the 1% rule)

“Adam!!!! I miss you! I need a little Adam back in my life because my life is just so hectic…”

“I’ve actually been walking around for the past two days thinking about how good I think I look (not to be a snotball, but it’s a refreshing feeling). Actually, I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’ve never looked this good, and I think it can only get better…”

“Haha…I am, I am…FYI, I dropped 2lbs in the first week…been weighing in on Tuesday since I usually play cards on Mondays…”

“After reading your amazingly thought and extremely well written response. I was blown away. You seem to be really deep and real and are good at words. You are 100% right. I’d like to give your program a shot.”

“I think this may be the first time since my early childhood that I’ve gone a whole week without eating any processed sugar.”

“I am soooooooooo happy to be back. Dude, I missed you over the weekend! I did really well. I went to the gym 5 times! My face looks a million times better (that is the first place I always see a difference).”

“I just tried on a pair of jeans that I wanted to fit into for a while! They fit wonderfully and comfortably…thank you so much for your dedication thus far!”

“I am sensing the beginning of a serious attitude change. I know I have a long way to go but now when I look at pictures of myself I see the good I have accomplished and I have this new sense of faith in myself. I just think that I’ll keep going day by day like this and I’ll get to where I want to be.”

“I have been thinking a lot about what you wrote today. About wasting potential. This is an idea that has plagued me for ages. What I end up doing though is spending too much time thinking about it and a lot less time doing it. I really want to make a change and rise to my full potential. I think somehow you are bringing it out of me…and no one has ever done that before…”

“…Yes yes, I just wanted to tell you that I was jumping ship on the scale for a bit because to be quite honest, I’ve never been so confident about my exterior.”

These are emails I got just in the last few days from some of my amazing clients.

It’s interesting because the 1% rule suggests that only 1% of your entire customer base will tell you how they actually feel. 1% of the users of Wikipedia wrote almost 70% of all the articles. 1% of your blog readers will comment. 1% of your customers will bring in most of the referrals, etc., etc., etc.

The challenge is how can you get more than just 1% of your customers involved?

When you live for your clients (as I do), and your business, I think clients sense that. You become a part of their life too and they will be much more willing to share their thoughts and ideas with you which is priceless.

P.S. Making a difference in people’s lives…that never, ever, gets old!

Y -Talk Radio with Guest Adam Gilbert, Founder of on How to Stay Fit for Life!

On Wednesday evening, I had the good fortune of being interviewed on Y Talk Radio by Bea Fields and Roger Dewitt. The half hour flew by and they asked me all sorts of questions including how I got started with my company, my background, my inspiration and what gives me energy, where I see MyBodyTutor going and my biggest tip for anyone looking to start eating healthy and exercising.

My biggest tip for anyone who wants to start eating healthy, and maybe lose some weight, is to eat smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day as opposed to just eating two or three large meals.

My biggest tip for anyone who wants to start exercising is to make sure you set realistic goals for yourself. Setting out to run every single morning or getting to the gym 7 days a week is just not realistic. And if you wind up missing one run, or one session at the gym, you’re likely to get discouraged and stop altogether.

I’ll go into each of these tips more in depth and why they are so important in future posts.

If you’d like to listen to the show you can check it out here.

It’s Not 2008 Yet but…(Radio Show & I’m a Millenial Leader!!!)

I’m extremely excited, thrilled, grateful and humbled to be a 2008 Millennial Leader!!! There are some absolutely amazing people who made the 2007 list and I’m very proud and honored to be (first!) on the 2008 list. You can check out it here!

Also, on Wednesday, January 2nd, I will be doing an internet radio show at 6:30 P.M. I’ll be talking about how to stay fit for life.

I encourage you to call up and ask me some questions on anything health and fitness! You can find out the details here!

2007 was by far the most exciting and productive year of my life. I hope 2008 is even better.

So far so good…

Crawl before you walk! (And before you spend a ton of money!)

One of the cool things about writing an entrepreneurial blog and a column for Millionaire Blueprints Teen is I get to meet a lot of ambitious young entrepreneurs from around the country. I get emails with business plans all of the time.

I always get things like this: “Well, I figure once I have 10,000 users we will begin to make money”. Or, “Once my site is getting a ton of traffic we’ll have to hire people just to count our money.”

This isn’t a great business to start. What if you never get to where you want to be?

Your business has to work when it’s small in order to survive to the point where it gets big!

If your product or your service is going to be nothing but trouble until it reaches your ideal user base, I think it’s better to do something else. The way to go is to create something that is unique and likely to make customers happy long before you get to your ideal user base.

Every business I have ever started worked when I had one customer and in the coming weeks I will go through each of my past businesses including Dr. PetSit, and

But this past year has been absolutely amazing for me. I came up with a totally unique concept based on my own experience, needs, lifelong passion and by recognizing a huge problem. And I was able to create a real business out of nothing.

I learned a lot and constantly tested and improved upon my service. I wish I could say I planned for my business to be the way it is right now but I can’t. No one can do that. It evolved immensely. Within three months (and since then) I am (and have been) fully convinced I have created what can (and should) be a huge company that helps millions of people.

The most important thing is that my program works! It works right now and I don’t need 100,000 members in order for it to work. I witness it every single morning. I have helped countless people change their life and I am 1000% convinced.

Now it’s time to invest some real money into my business.

Call me old fashioned but the best way to grow a sustainable business is starting small, making some money, getting a little bigger, and repeating.

Facebook, eBay, Google, and Microsoft are all rare businesses. Their best asset is that everyone wants to use the system that everyone is using.

But banking on building a business like that is like banking on becoming a rock star.

There are countless innovations that would make our world a better place. The problem with almost all of them is that getting from here to eBay status is almost impossible. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, but it does mean you should count on failing.

Sure, every once in a while a Facebook happens. But for every business that reaches a tipping point there are thousands that fail.

That’s one reason you don’t want your kids to grow up to be rock stars trying to make Top 10 hits. It’s a great gig if you can get it, but you can’t count on getting it.

This is BIG!

You remember that guy I told you about? Well, he has lost 31 pounds since that post.

How did he do it? The good old fashioned way. No surgery. No pills. No cookie diets. No grapefruit diets. Just by eating healthy meals and exercising CONSISTENTLY!

The problem for most, if not all of us, is that it’s just too easy to make excuses making it almost impossible to stay consistent.

31 pounds! Oh did I mention to you that he is 66 years old!?!?!?

I have helped countless clients lose weight but this one is very special for me. His son, Jason, has been a Godsend. He has referred so many clients to me. When he called to tell me that he really wants me to work my magic on his father and that he was counting on me I wanted to come through in a big way for him.

He is also a true class act. Every month he sends me a check for him and his father. Now, that’s a good guy.

I think it might be time to hire a PR person. This is newsworthy!

Look out for Paul and me on the Today show soon…

I can see it already.

“Adam, that was a great response. Yet another proof point that you have a huge gift.”

One of my clients wrote that to me this morning after we exchanged emails about some challenges she was dealing with.

It made my day. Every time a client writes something really nice I save it. I have over 1000 really nice compliments. The types of compliments that you read over and over again when you need some inspiration.

I am a sucker for praise. Who isn’t?

But it’s amazing how many people feel under appreciated. I’ve read in countless management books (and I know first hand) that a thank you goes a long way. A sincere thank you though. A heart felt thank you.

How many times have you spent your hard earned money somewhere and been treated like your money doesn’t matter. Treated as if they could care less about you. I hate it. We all have so many choices and options available to us. Why in the world would I spend my money with you if you don’t give a shit? Maybe you do.

But I don’t know that unless you tell me or better yet show me.

I tell my clients how much I appreciate them from time to time. They allow me to do what I love doing. This is what I want to with my life.

I would go to the moon and back and back again for my clients. I am NOTHING without my clients. I don’t have a business unless I have clients.

We all like to feel appreciated. Even Grandma Ester for her ‘famous chicken cutlets’ likes to feel appreciated.

It’s comments and praise like this that keeps me going. This is why I know my program will change the world. This is why I know I’m onto something absolutely huge.

2 things for you to do today.

One: If you are a business owner email or call your clients. Tell them how much you appreciate their business. I can’t remember the last time I got an email from a company simply thanking me without ANY sales pitches.

Two: If you are not a business owner email or call your loved ones. Tell them how much they mean to you. How much you appreciate them.

I bet it’ll make their day.

Just like this made my day!

[1 hour after writing this a client writes me this: “I increasingly feel the need to trumpet your program from the rooftops. I was actually tossing around your business model (from what I’ve seen of it) and was trying (for the hell of it) to poke holes in your approach. I guess I’m just floored that you’re the first person/this is the first program to ever begin to make a dent in my ingrained bad behaviors.

I’m EXTREMELY strong minded, and tried-and-true therapists and outpatient clinics couldn’t make a dent in my “bad coping mechanisms”. Also, I’m wearing the clothes I wore when I was absolutely killing myself at the gym for hours every day, and not eating. The power of consistency is mind blowing.” ]

Wow! I really do have the best clients in the world. And thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every single one of my clients for allowing me to do what I absolutely love doing!

My first EVER fitness video!!!

A few weeks ago I wrote about my experience shooting my first ever fitness video. Well, the wait is over and the video is here!

It’s amazing how professional Conde’ Nast is. This short video took over 2 hours to film. You may think that’s insane but it’s the way it works. When I went to visit the set of the Sopranos we were there for over 9 hours watching the same two scenes being shot over and over. When we watched the episode on TV the scenes we saw being filmed added up to about 3 minutes of screen time.

I love doing the Q&A for Conde’ Nast but there is something about the camera that’s thrilling.

I hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I enjoyed making it!

Check it out here.

Who is Conde’ Nasts’ New Resident Fitness Expert?

I am!!!

I will be doing a series of Q & A’s and videos for them.

I’m thrilled about this opportunity because it will allow me to help and impact more people.

You can read the first Q & A series here.

As always, it would be my pleasure to help you achieve your health and fitness goals! I truly live for my clients’ success and I know any one of my clients would attest to that.

Thank you to all for your amazing support!