Why our parents are getting divorced and why you might too

Back in the day, it was normal to get married at 22 years old. My parents did. And most likely so did yours.

You found someone you loved and you created a life together.

Fairly recently, it seems as though no one wants to be Mrs. or Mr. anyone anymore. Everyone wants to be their own person. I am absolutely all for that.

In fact, I think that is what is causing all of these divorces. Or the lack of that, I should say.

People whether young or old, are realizing they have no identity. They don’t know who they are. Look at Linda Hogan (ex-wife of Hulk Hogan), for example. She lived the quintessential American dream life.

Yet, she appeared miserable on so many episodes of the reality show ‘Hogan Knows Best’. Why? I think deep down she was tired of being Mrs. Hulk Hogan. She wanted to be her own person.

Life is all about expressing ourselves. The things we do are expressions of who we are and what we love and the impact we wish to make.

But when you don’t know who you are (how can you at 22 years old?), how can you become your own person?

I think the best relationships are comprised of two solid independent happy people. I say happy even though it’s a very over used word these days because the people who say, “I just wish I had a boyfriend/girlfriend” are not happy people. At least, not by themselves.

If they were truly happy they wouldn’t be complaining that they needed a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

The feeling of ‘love’ is an easy cover up to not figure out who you are and what you love doing whether you get paid for it or not.

Although, it’s beautiful to dream about being a mother and father and living in a big house and being the best wife or husband you can be…there’s more to life. That can’t be your entire life. Or else, your entire life relies on other people making you happy.

And I’m still getting lip about my marriage post. Let me make myself clear. I’m not against marriage. I dream of all the great things I believe marriage has to offer. I dream of it all. Trust me.

But I am against marriage at a young age. I am against going from relationship to relationship.

Until you know who you are and how to be truly happy by yourself; I don’t believe you can truly be happy with anyone else.

But as they say, to each his own.

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3 thoughts on “Why our parents are getting divorced and why you might too”

  1. “I am against marriage at a young age. I am against going from relationship to relationship.

    Until you know who you are and how to be truly happy by yourself; I don’t believe you can truly be happy with anyone else.”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂

  2. Being a Gen Y and making the mistake of marrying too young, I could not agree with you more. Find your bliss then you will find an individual that has found theirs and then merge them. Marriage does not equal happily ever after!

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